There are great rewards in the oil industry especially when it comes to the financial aspect. However, a good number of them just manage the routine of being an oil worker, and carry out whatever duty they have in their free time. Addiction is a usual feature for a typical oil worker for a good number of reasons.

One of the basic reasons why oil workers get addicted, is due to the fact that they are usually tired-out from the stress accrued at work. They spend more time than usual at work, and thus it has an adverse effect on them. However, the financial gains are only what keeps them going.

Oil workers barely have time to undergo any form of healthy recreation, and it has a detrimental effect on them in the long run. This is because the time and facilities which are needed to effect this, are not in place. The stress accumulated at work for oil workers is very stressful, owing to the fact that the oil industry is very demanding. Hence, there is a need for a high level of efficiency, commitment and skill from all workers.

The work schedule of a typical oil worker can be very tight, as they would be expected to follow a particular work pattern which would require them to give in their best, bearing in mind that time is not really a luxury. This stress makes the oil worker tired out, and then they seek ways on how to cool off the stress accrued over a long period of time.

This is what makes a good number of them to find solace in drugs or alcohol. At first, they seem like harmless substances because they aid them in putting off stress. However, with time, it is discovered that the frequency of intake of these substances is on the increase, and detrimental effects begin to set in.

There is much money in the oil industry, and this is what makes the oil workers strive more to ensure that they make more money. Hence, being hooked on certain substances aids them in going beyond their limits.

Addiction among oil workers in the oil industry, is one of its darkest secret.