Preventing addiction among oil workers

When it comes to the workplace, one of the ills that must be prevented is addiction. If addiction is in full play in the workplace, it can affect productivity.

Hence, all hands must be on deck to ensure that people don’t get addicted for any organization to move forward.

In the oil industry, the workers there face a great deal of pressure to deliver optimally each day. This is because the oil demands must be met daily.

Hence, this pressure has forced many oil workers to become addicted because they push beyond their limits.

The downsides of addiction can be averted if they were prevented in the first place. Here are some tips to prevent oil workers from getting addicted.

  • Increase the manpower

To prevent addiction among oil workers, the manpower needs to be increased. This would make it easy to exceed production because there are more hands involved.

Similarly, a flexible work routine can be created where everyone would have some days in the week where they would not be available at work. This would help them recuperate lost strength and also get reenergized for the next workday.

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  • Vacation benefits

Another way to prevent addiction among oil workers is to provide wholesome vacation benefits for them. It should be structured in a way that these oil workers have enough time to rest and care for both their mental and physical health.

  • Educate them about addiction

It is equally important for oil workers to learn more about addiction and how they can avoid it.

Hence, there should be a special health package for them that teaches coping strategies to keep cravings at bay. This would help them lead healthier lives so that they can remain productive over time.

To wrap up, oil workers need to be properly educated about how to implement healthy steps so that they will remain within the industry.

Signs that an oil worker is addicted

One of the most challenging industries in an oil-producing nation is the oil industry. This industry is laced with demands like meeting up the daily demands of oil production because the country needs it for revenue purposes.

With this, oil workers are often motivated in different ways to ensure that all hands are on deck to meet the daily target. Of course, they are often rewarded handsomely because of the long hours they put into work.

Even though oil workers are highly paid, many of them are addicted because of the stressful and intense lifestyle they lead.

Hence, to battle stress, some of them engage in addictive habits so that they can remain productive. Little do they know that those habits come with negative consequences.

Here are some signs that an oil worker is addicted

  • Secrecy

When an oil worker is addicted, they prefer to stick to their private space because they don’t want anyone to know what they are doing.

Just like every other addict, an addicted oil worker doesn’t want to be judged or stigmatized. Therefore, they would prefer to be secretive about everything related to their addiction, even if it is substance or behavioral addiction.

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  • Physical appearance

Another way to know that an oil worker is addicted is by their physical appearance. You will notice that they have bloodshot eyes, slurred speech, wrinkled speech, body odor, weight loss or weight gain, etc.

Additionally, you will be able to tell that they are different from what you know them to be.

  • Mental health problems

It is important to mention that mental health issues are often associated with addiction. This means that oil workers are more likely to experience some mental health problems like depression, anxiety, etc.

An addicted oil worker will find it hard to remain productive for long because their attention would shift to their addiction. Therefore, they must seek help from a reputable addiction treatment center to get their life back on track.  

Rehab for oil workers

Oil workers belong to one of the most stressful industries in a country, particularly those that depends on oil for its revenue. Now, oil workers face a lot with their job and this is why some of them struggle with addiction and mental health problem.

The fact is, oil workers do not really pay attention to their health. Rather, their primary focus is on the remuneration and the several monetary benefits that comes with being an oil worker.

Hence, even if an oil worker is addicted, they would be less focused on the negative effects that comes with the addiction. In the short to long run, they begin to spend on health problems and they will need to quit work temporarily or permanently depending on the seriousness of the case.

For both addiction and mental health problems, oil workers need a rehab to sustain all aspects of their health and keep them on track.

The first stage of a rehab for oil workers is the counseling stage. This is the stage where they are quizzed about what has been ongoing in their lives before and during the addiction and mental health problem.

Provided the oil worker opens up, it would be easy for the counselor to create a treatment plan.

This treatment plan serves as the yardstick for all treatments that the oil worker will receive all through the rehab period. In addition, the counselor also sticks close to ensure that the oil worker follows through with the treatments at the rehab.

After the counseling stage, the oil worker progresses to the main rehab stage where they would either opt for inpatient or outpatient treatment. Any option the oil worker opts for depends on the peculiarity of their addiction.

If oil workers want to avoid going to a rehab because of addiction or mental health issues, it is advised they implement health measures to keep them on the sobriety path. Although it might be challenging to stick to these health measures but they come with huge benefits eventually.

4 health tips for oil workers

Health is wealth and it applies to everyone. Irrespective of your profession, if you do not take care of your health, you will not enjoy your profession in the long-term because you might be in and out of the hospital. There is also a chance that you skip work which might lead to entrenchment soonest.

For oil workers, the last thing they need is a poor health. Even though their profession is one of the most stressful ones, there are ways to work around it to keep them fit.

If you are an oil worker, and you are wondering how to care for your health, here are some tips to help you:

Sleep/Rest well

Every oil worker needs to find enough time to sleep. Due to the strenuous nature of the oil and gas profession, it might be challenging getting enough time to rest. However, there are immense dividends that comes with it.

Oil workers are advised to rest when they have the little time to. Instead of spending free time without any purpose, it would be great to rest.

Take lots of water

Water is one of the primary sources of energy, and asides this, it comes with huge benefits for the body. Taking water keeps you hydrated and active. If you are not properly hydrated, it might be difficult for you to perform optimally in the work place.

Take balanced diet

It is possible for oil workers to feast on junks more than healthy meals because they don’t have enough time to prepare them. However, taking junks should be an occasional incident. It is best to take food and junks in the ratio 95:5. Junks should serve for emergency purposes that would rarely occur.

Go on a vacation

From time to time, it is a good idea to go on a vacation. It could be for some days or a week, but it would definitely pay off if you do. A vacation helps you recalibrate and sets you back on track.


The oil industry is always a booming industry, and the reason for this is because oil is always in constant demand.

There is always a need for a great output of oil on a daily basis, and this implies that workers need to be on their toes continually so that they can meet up with the tough demands.

Of course, oil workers have good salaries to show for it, and this is what makes them leave comfortable lives.

The money which oil workers are paid, is sufficient for them to solve all of their family issues, without having to break a sweat.

However, one of the major downsides which comes with this job is, the oil workers face great amounts of stress, and this often leads to substance abuse and addiction in the long run.

Not all oil workers know how to relieve themselves of stress, and this is one of the reasons why a good number of them have issues abstaining from drug, alcohol and other forms of addiction.

The reason why they are addicted is because, they believe taking these substances helps them to cope effectively with stress.

With time, they discover they need greater amounts of these substances, and this increases their daily intake.

One of the most effective ways for an oil worker to relieve stress, is effective rest, and most of them deny themselves of this. They want to work for longer hours so they can earn more, and this takes a toll on their physical and mental health.

Oil workers need to understand that there is a good amount of rest which is needed for their body, and if they deny their bodies of this, there is a likely chance they will break down soon enough.

Another way oil workers can relieve themselves of stress, is to spend ample time with their loved ones; their family and friends.

This is important because, being in solitary is disadvantageous to their health, and they need the best moral and emotional support which they can get to help them move on.

If an oil worker understands that money is not everything, and they can spare themselves some hours to set other aspects of their lives straight, they would be good to go.


There are great rewards in the oil industry especially when it comes to the financial aspect. However, a good number of them just manage the routine of being an oil worker, and carry out whatever duty they have in their free time. Addiction is a usual feature for a typical oil worker for a good number of reasons.

One of the basic reasons why oil workers get addicted, is due to the fact that they are usually tired-out from the stress accrued at work. They spend more time than usual at work, and thus it has an adverse effect on them. However, the financial gains are only what keeps them going.

Oil workers barely have time to undergo any form of healthy recreation, and it has a detrimental effect on them in the long run. This is because the time and facilities which are needed to effect this, are not in place. The stress accumulated at work for oil workers is very stressful, owing to the fact that the oil industry is very demanding. Hence, there is a need for a high level of efficiency, commitment and skill from all workers.

The work schedule of a typical oil worker can be very tight, as they would be expected to follow a particular work pattern which would require them to give in their best, bearing in mind that time is not really a luxury. This stress makes the oil worker tired out, and then they seek ways on how to cool off the stress accrued over a long period of time.

This is what makes a good number of them to find solace in drugs or alcohol. At first, they seem like harmless substances because they aid them in putting off stress. However, with time, it is discovered that the frequency of intake of these substances is on the increase, and detrimental effects begin to set in.

There is much money in the oil industry, and this is what makes the oil workers strive more to ensure that they make more money. Hence, being hooked on certain substances aids them in going beyond their limits.

Addiction among oil workers in the oil industry, is one of its darkest secret.

Why Addicted Oil Workers Do Not Receive Treatment

addicted oil workerAddiction and substance abuse problems have claimed and destroyed lives, so why is it that the need for treatment in oil workers is so often overlooked? It is no secret that living in Fort McMurray means frequently encountering substance abuse and addiction problems. There is not much to do in Fort McMurray, particularly during the cold, harsh winters, which turns people toward heavy drinking and drug abuse. There is an obvious need for addiction and substance abuse treatment among many of the workers, but all too often this need is neglected and swept under the rug.

It is very important that workers in Fort McMurray know that it is acceptable to seek help for their substance abuse problems. If they express these concerns to the right people, they will be met with support and community, not judgment.

In Fort McMurray, the demographic of oil workers is almost entirely male, and a very masculine culture is present in the oil sands. This is typical of the working population in an oil boom town. It is also typical of boom towns that this largely male demographic tends to expend their testosterone by overusing illicit substances and alcohol. This practice is so popular and common that it becomes part of the community’s culture and mindset, which is very much what has happened in Fort McMurray.

The overwhelmingly male presence in a boom town like Fort McMurray is largely instigating the substance abuse and celebrating it, which means that anyone who is drawing negative attention to substance abuse is behaving in a counter cultural manner. Anyone who is growing concerned about their own inability to manage their relationship with addictive substances will be going against the group to voice these concerns and speak out against substance abuse. Men in these communities do not want to be ostracized, so they try to follow the traditions and values of the group, but this is not a healthy practice for those who are being harmed by substance abuse and addiction.

A Classic Boom Town Story

oil boom townFort McMurray, Alberta represents the classic oil boom town story. Since the mid twentieth century, the Athabasca oil sands have been the site of incredible industry and prosperity. In the late 1800’s, it was estimated that the Athabasca oil sands were some of the most extensive in the entire world and preparations for an industrial mega-complex were underway. But it was not until the 1970’s that the Athabasca oil sands became known through out Canada as the country’s most lucrative source of employment. Since that time, with the exception of the occasional recession due to world market oil crashes, the Athabasca oil sands has been flooded with would be employees, seeking profitable oil work, and Fort McMurray has become the epitome of an oil boom town. Everything one would associate with a boom town is present in Fort McMurray; the good, the bad and the ugly.

The positive things that have come out of Fort McMurray are abundant. Canada’s economy benefits enormously from the operations of the oil sands, generating tens of billions of dollars into the national economy. The province of Alberta in particular thrives significantly because of the oil industry. Living in Fort McMurray and working in the oil industry has been a positive thing for many Canadian families. The oil industry has provided a good life and a good retirement for a great many Canadians.

The dark side of the boom town story is certainly present in Fort McMurray as well. Like every classic boom town in history, the money has rolled in faster than anyone has known what to do with it. This tends to become problematic to communities. An underdeveloped city in possession of too much money leads to trouble. There is not enough recreation to keep people occupied, and people become restless and turn to substance abuse and debauchery for entertainment. Fort McMurray is a major Hell’s Angels trade center with a serious drug and alcohol problem and a very high crime rate.

Why Oil Workers Do Not Reach Out for Help with Addiction

oil worker addiction helpIts uncommon to think about Northern Alberta’s oil industry without thinking of its culture of addiction and substance abuse, however, it is estimated that 60 percent of oil workers with these problems do not seek treatment for them. It might seem irrational that a demographic with so much behavioral disfunction would not seek help, but there are some very specific social and cultural reasons for this.

The oil worker population is over 90 percent male, as a majority of the jobs are labor intensive. Men are statistically much less likely to reach out for help with a mental or medical problem because of socially constructed gender identities that tell them it is a sign of weakness. It is very common for men to be influenced toward this mindset of traditional masculinity in their upbringing.

Men come from all over Canada to work in the oil sands for the lucrative pay, and most of them are housed in camps created for transient workers. Most of them are physically separated from their relationships and friendships, and find themselves in the harshest of working conditions without a support system to turn to. This is often what leads to experimentation with addictive substances. Many oil workers state that their substance abuse problems began as a result of trying to bury feelings of loneliness and frustration. The substance works at first, but as addiction consumes the person’s life it has the opposite affect, spawning mental and physical instability.

This masculinity complex turns an individual’s emotions inward and influences them to deal with emotions in an unhealthy way. It is important that this barrier be broken so that the workers of the oil industry can be enabled to reach out for help and end the suffering that comes with addiction and substance abuse. Professional addiction treatment and rehabilitation programs are available to oil workers to help them begin the path of recovery.

Drug and Alcohol Abuse in the Oil Industry of Alberta

drugs and alcohol in oil industryThe substance abuse problems that plague Alberta’s oil industry are resulting in lives lost and torn apart. Young to middle aged men come to Northern Alberta with the honest intentions of working hard and making a decent living. But upon arrival, they are sucked into a vortex of drug and alcohol abuse, and mental disorders run rampant due to the harsh, restrictive conditions and the absence of healthy recreational activities.

Drug traffic is very prevalent near the oil sands because of the incredible amount of money workers have to spend on it. Drug gangs and individual dealers have a booming market of their own in towns like Fort McMurray, Alberta, which is the closest city to the oil sands. The availability of drugs is limitless, with cocaine (the “wealthy man’s drug”) being the biggest cash crop for dealers. It is estimated that a majority of the mental disorders found amongst oil workers can be tied to drug use.

The substance that is most abused amongst oil workers is a legal one: alcohol. As alcohol sales in Alberta are gradually privatized, the availability of alcohol increases along with cases of alcohol abuse and alcoholism. Sadly, this addiction is also the most under resourced one, with government funded rehabilitation services being heavily depleted and stretched beyond their means. Often, alcoholics will receive little more than a basic support group to help them with sobriety, when what they really need is inpatient rehabilitation.

Oil workers afflicted with addiction to drugs and alcohol should be receiving proper substance abuse treatment, even if they have to find it outside of Alberta. There are plenty of addiction rehabilitation programs in neighboring provinces that are eager to help the oil industry with its substance abuse problems. No paycheck is worth the destruction of the worker’s life. Addicts and families of addicts are encouraged to reach out for help before it is too late. With alcohol rehab Alberta, there is always an opportunity to improve one-self and seek counselling.